Ready-To-Go Packages

Where applicable package prices are based on up to 2,500 sf. single family home unless otherwise noted, up to 2 occupants and within 30 minutes of Kittery Point Maine. Not you? Call for a free quote. Rates and terms subject to change.

Increase Fertility, Wealth, Opportunities

  • Fertility

    This service is for anyone wishing to become pregnant, those who are having difficulty becoming pregnant or difficulty experiencing a full term. Multiple proven systems and methods of feng shui are applied to support fertility and a full term. Includes a month-to-month planner to avoid potential complications $497

  • Wealth

    Optimizing abundance and prosperity is a key component in Feng Shui. So, it is easy to imagine, opportunities abound when we wish to enhance our environment to increase our wealth. Your personal imprint, your destiny, around prosperity, wealth and career are analyzed and shared with the inquirer as well as a wealth manifesting guided meditation. We will reveal every opportunity available to you to increase your wealth in this package. $1,450

  • Open More Doors

    Career success, prosperity, travel, happy relationships, helpful people, more fun. You name it. This the pathway to get you there. Live the life you desire. Get clear, set your intentions and commit. This package will give you the framework and reinforcement needed from the Bagua and the 8 directions to ignite your life and dreams. By personally connecting to and engaging the power within this ancient system you will gain confidence and clarity. You will begin to experience greater support, life on your terms, and the life, and things, that you desire. $297

Heal Relationships, Children, Homes

  • Relationships

    Heal relationships at home and at work. There are numerous key attributes, specific flying stars and star energy patterns that can undermine relationships, cause unending bickering, fuel infidelity, wedge a barrier between us and others. When what we want and need is compassion, caring, communication, partnership, love and understanding. Feng Shui can bring balanced and supportive energy to that end. Subdue fighting stars and pinpoint helpful realignments. Banish bickering. $699

  • Children's Issues

    Improve your child’s focus and behavior. Children, babies and pets are highly receptive and affected by the unseen energies in their environment. Simple realignments and environmental adjustments can provide all that is needed to ease the challenges and change the trajectory of your child’s life. Assessing and using the support of Feng Shui is key. $499

  • Engage the Life You Desire

    Feng Shui your home to attract more opportunities in your business and career, it can help you be a better version of yourself, improve relationships, resolve health related issues, boost energy levels, feel restored, get unstuck, feel supported, become more successful, increase income, feel great.

    There is no place more important or that has more impact on us than the spaces we dwell. Feel an improved and vibrant flow of energy throughout your whole house. Create a new connection with your home. Transform your home into a center of inspiration and support.

    Optimize furniture arrangements and colors. Learn techniques to maintain a peaceful, organized home. Receive the elemental remedy recommendations needed for support and alignment for the whole family. Optimize the balance of nourishing ch’i. Enjoy hands on help, personal heart centered service. $899

Energy Alignments

  • Home Energy Reading & Remedies

    This is pure metaphysics, an earth energy analysis that results in energetic balance and alignment for the home and the occupants for success in all areas of life. Calculated Flying Star charts and natural elemental cures are mapped out on your floor plan. You will come to understand the type and meaning of the energies that are affecting you. The personality of your home or business. The energies that influence your relationships, health, money, children, success and well-being.

    You will be provided a plan to balance the energies for overall benefits in all areas of life. Offered with refreshing 1-1 service and support. $599

    Or skip the 1-1 and detailed type and meanings, get right to the Chart and Remedies with support for just $279 HERE

  • Space Clearing

    An ancient tradition and a highly beneficial ancestral remedy that will clear old, stagnant and negative energies from a space making way for new vibrant and supportive energy. It clears residual energies from past occupants, fighting, illness or sadness.

    Great to do frequently but at the very least when selling your home or before moving into a new home, apartment or business.

    Special Price, Special Offer:

  • Land Healing

    This is a property assessment. Your land is dowsed and mapped for geopathic stress. The land is checked for over 45 notable energies. Geopathic stresses affect humans’ daily life, activities, health, and well-being. Unseen earth energies may have significant adverse impacts on residents and also provide opportunity for growth, healing and connection. Categories such as Geology, Earth and Water Dragons, Dark Streams, Geopathic Stress, Spirit Essences, Sacred Sites, Energy Levels and much more are analyzed. The Bovis energetic reading of land (barometer for human habitation), power spots, master vegetation, problem areas, spots or lines along with blessing points are identified.

    A map of the results and applicable clearings, corrections, recommendations and guidance will be included in the professional dowsing report. Starts at $720

Don’t see quite what you are looking for?

Let’s chat I’m happy to offer complimentary personalized quotes.