About Feng Shui


  • Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of arranging living and working spaces to promote wealth, happiness, harmony and well-being. It centers around energy flow and our personal interactions in a space, how it feels and how it can best support the occupants.

    The practice of Classical Feng Shui determines ideal land selection, architectural layouts, building orientation and interior designs. It is a proven system practiced worldwide.

    Feng Shui literally means "wind and water", where energy, ch’i (or qi), is dispersed by the wind and collected by the water. The ancient science of Feng Shui studies and explains the quality and movement of the qi in our environment.

  • Any opportunity that can make life better mustn’t be overlooked in these times. And with Feng Shui accounting for roughly 1/3 of the “luck” in our lives, I personally want mine in balance and enhanced wherever such opportunities exist.

    We are born with 3 kinds of luck, the cosmic trinity, that is composed of our heavenly destiny, the luck we bring ourselves in-so-far-as our free will and the luck from the earth which are the patterns of energy that surround and influence us (not unlike the unseen forces of 5G, Wi-Fi and gravity).

    More and more people are reporting feeling stressed at work and at home. It is more important than ever to turn your home into a sanctuary, where you can find relief, feel comforted and be supported.

    Every home has a Feng Shui blueprint. You are being influenced by the energy whether or not you realize it. But when you do know it, you can manage it, enhance the good energies and subdue the undermining energies.

    It is a lost opportunity for anyone that does not choose to tap into the unseen forces in their environment for a better life.

  • Declutter Email me for a FREE Clutter Clearing Guide.

    Clean the front door. This is the main Ch’i gate. Keep it clear, welcoming and brightly lit inside and out. Add a fresh coat of paint! Want to know the best color for your front door? Email me!

    Bring in live plants and fresh flowers. Remove wilting flowers and remove dried flowers as they represent dead energy.

    Fix or discard any thing in the home that is broken, chipped or in disrepair.

    Space clear with sage or palo santo to clean negative or low vibration energies.

    Get a pet! Pets have good ch’i.

    Remove anything (stuff, artwork, furniture…) in your home or office that serves no purpose or that does not inspire or delight you. Bring in décor that lifts your spirit and has a place and use.

    Keep bathroom doors and toilet seat covers closed.

  • There are numerous methods, formulas and techniques of Feng Shui. They are primarily rooted in time and form and utilize real world forces.

    Flying Stars are represented by the numbers 1-9. Steeped in meaning, they are keys that unlock the energetic blueprint of a building. Flying Stars are used to provide the basis of a Classical Assessment. A numeric configuration, a code, is arranged in the floor plan Bagua aligned by compass direction.

    The Natal Chart or Flying Star layout of a building has permanent flying stars as well as annual, monthly and even daily flying stars. The potency of stars, their position and the relationship between them varies.

    The Natal Chart of a home reveals the personality of the home and reveals the meanings of the energies of the home. These energies influence the occupants.

    Form School is the oldest school of Feng Shui, observes natural shapes and forms in the environment, such as hills, mountains, creeks, rivers, ponds and valleys. Modern day forms also include buildings, roads and other manmade features or structures. It considers natural features like soil, rocks and vegetation. It considers building and lot configurations plus internal features such as ceiling heights and angles, beams, columns and doors alignments.

    Qi or Ch’i is the "unseen energy", the life force energy, that binds humanity, earth and the universe together. Ch’i is the essence of all, the air we breathe, the water that flows, it is our spirit and in the moonlight. It surrounds us.

    Ch’i is the nourishing force of life.

    There are positive and negative types of qi, Sheng Qi which carries auspicious nurturing currents or Sha which carries negative harmful energy. There is also Poison Arrow Chi which is a direct and potent negative energy that can undermine well-being.

    Yin & Yang permeates every aspect of Feng Shui. It permeates every aspect of life. Nothing exists alone. Everything is part of something else. It’s the dual forces in the universe, the ongoing process of natural changes. Everything has a Yin and Yang aspect.

    The rhythm and balance of yin and yang in our environments is a fundamental aspect in Feng Shui.

    The Eight Trigrams seen in the 8-sided Bagua are made up of the Cosmic Trinity (seen as the set of three lines per direction). The inside or lower bar represents Earth Ch’i, the middle represents Human Ch’i and the outside bar or top bar represents Heaven Ch’i.

    The trigrams have associations in compass direction, anatomy, family members, geomancy, astronomy, astrology, geography and much more.

    Personal Trigrams are used to determine how a person is or can be supported in their environment. It is based on the lunar year of birth. Your Ming Gua reveals your particular qualities, basic constitutional and long-lasting traits and tendencies. The trigram guides us to determine the best directions, colors, shapes and elements that support and nourish us. It provides valuable insight to your personal interactions and relationship with your home.

    The Five Elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood have literal and, more so, symbolic meaning. The five elements provide the path to reading and interpreting relationships created by the Flying Stars combinations.

    The 5 elements also represent transformations of energy and the result of interactions between them. Accordingly, we create balance, enhance and subdue energies using elements!

    The Luopan is a Chinese magnetic compass and is also called a Feng Shui or geomantic compass. Like a conventional compass, the luopan is a magnetic direction finder. However, a Luopan differs from a conventional compass in several important ways.

    A Luopan typically contains markings and volumes of details that relate to the 24 directions. The divisions translate to 15 degrees per direction known as the 24 Mountains or the 24 Mountain Ring.

    Within the 24 Mountains practitioners determine the precise facing directions of the home. Within any of the 24 directions we gather information and also add remedies or enhancements.

    The Lo Shu Magic Square or Scroll of the River Lo is part of a legacy of ancient Chinese mathematical and divinatory traditions. It is an important emblem in Feng Shui and geomancy (concerned with the placement of objects in relation to the flow of natural energy). It is where Feng Shui evolved over 4.000 years ago.

    The Lo Shu Square sets the stage for the Bagua. It represents qualities, order and movement of all earthly wonder. Feng Shui practitioners employ the Lo Shu pattern as a template for the arrangement of the personalized Bagua. The Lo Shu pattern is constant and shares many insights to a Feng Shui reading.

    The Bagua very simply refers to the 8 directions. It is the mathematical model synthesizing the trigrams, directional and elemental context, the seasons, the Cosmic Trinity, Yin and Yang and much more. There are different Bagua models in Traditional Feng Shui. One represents the ideal and fixed and one that represents the current and changing conditions.

  • It is a myth that red is a good Feng Shui color for your front door. There is a solid basis for the most supportive front door color, and it has to do with orientation. Email me the exact compass direction of the facing side of your house (usually the front) and I will tell you what colors are most supportive!

 Discover the amazing benefits of Feng Shui.

With Feng Shui

Build wealth, flourish relationships, improve health and well-being.

Enjoy a life that feels in balance, comfortable, easier.

Enjoy harmonious, supportive relationships, success, abundance, personal well-being.

Feel inspired.

Feels embraced and supported.

When your Feng Shui is balanced

Life begins to move in a better direction with no discernable effort.

Money flows to you easily.

Amazing things happen, and opportunities appear at just the right moment.

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui observes and works with location and the natural environment to harmonize individuals with the spaces they dwell. It is the art of auspiciously arranging buildings on sites to benefit the occupants as it observes and works with the energy within the land.

Feng Shui can help you

  • increase your wealth, prosperity, abundance, income

  • quickly sell a home or business at the price you want

  • optimize your good fortune when used in the planning, designing and buying of homes and land

  • ensure the purchase of a new home will support you and not undermine you

  • change the direction of your life

  • improve relationships at home and at work

  • heal and move forward when widowed

  • after a breakup or divorce

  • draw in new friends, mentors, clients, partners, and teachers

  • feel lighter

  • find the love of your life

  • have space that feels embracing and comforting

  • get unstuck

  • attract more business opportunities, or get a promotion

  • save more money

  • get pregnant and support for a full-term

  • improve health issues

  • travel more

Feng Shui is the Chinese art of living within the rhythms of the land and seasons.

How much influence does Feng Shui have? 

A person's total destiny is influenced by 3 kinds of luck, Heaven, Man, and Earth Luck.

Heaven Luck is who you were born to, who your parents and siblings are, and this can’t be changed. Man Luck refers to our free will, the decisions we make, our efforts and motivation. The third, Earth Luck refers to our living and natural environment. The energies within the environment where we live, rest and work. Earth luck plays such a significant role in shaping our life, and it’s available right here for us.

Feng Shui is Earth Luck.